- Can I use Kerndata.com to search for comparable sales ... ?
- How do I find property owned by an individual ... ?
- I can't find a property, what am I doing wrong ... ?
- What is a "situs" address ... ?
- Why isn't the address information on the complimentary
assessment data lookup ... ?
- Why isn't the address I'm looking for being found ... ?
- What are the definitions for all the fields I see on
the screen ... ?
- When I sign on to Kerndata.com I am immediately logged
off! What's wrong ... ?
- Are parcel maps available ... ?
- When I click "next" or "prior" to
navigate, nothing happens ... ?
- When I click "Map" I receive a message indicating that "No Map was found" ... ?
- I'm having problems printing. The first page prints but the rest is blank ... ?
- What happened to the "trial" access?
Can I use Kerndata.com to search for comparable sales ... ?
Yes. Once you have located your subject property you can click on the comps link located at the top of the page. Comparable
sales are calculated based on several parameters including distance and transfer date.
How do I find property owned by an individual... ?
When entering search data for an Owner Name or Assessee enter Last
Name, First name, Middle Initial etc. Do not enter First name first, the search is
Last name based.
Examples: |
Doe John D |
Correct |
Doe John D & Ann |
Correct |
John Doe |
Incorrect - this search will find owners whose last
name is "John" |
I can't find a property, what am I doing wrong... ?
Most lookup problems occur because the data entered doesn't match the request
criteria. If you are typing an APN or other tax related number, you must choos "APN", "ATN", etc.
using the drop down list.
When looking for property using "Owner Name" it is important to enter
last name, then first name then middle initial. For instance, enter "Doe, John" or "Doe John A.", not
"John Doe" or "John A. Doe".
What is a "situs" address ... ?
Situs is a term used by the assessor's office to indicate the site
location of the property. This address is the actual address of the property.
Billing address is not necessarily the same as situs address. Situs addresses are
not kept for all properties.
Why isn't the address information on the
complimentary assessment data lookup ... ?
This is probably the most asked question of all. Situs and
billing address information is not included on the "Complimentary" data lookup
screen for privacy reasons. We feel that mailing and situs address information
should be as private as possible and since we do not monitor the "Complimentary"
lookup, there is no way for us to determine who is looking up information.
If you need access to Situs and/or Billing address information, we
provide fee based access to assessment information. This area allows lookup by situs
and billing address, characteristics information and much more. Click here for more information.
Why isn't the address I'm looking for being
found ... ?
There are a number of reasons that an address may not be found when
searching on situs address. One issue is that not all situs addresses are maintained
for all properties. Situations where this occur the majority of the time is with
large parcels - where an address doesn't make much sense. Another issues is that the
address just isn't in the system.
If you think the address should be there, but isn't, find a property
in the general area - type 100 Main Street when you're looking for 102 Main Street and not
finding it. Now scroll to the next APN. APN's are usually concurrent parcels
and will reflect the same parcel to parcel scrolling as situs address. If the parcel
exists but no address is available, the system will indicate "No Situs Address
What are the definitions for all the fields I
see on the screen ... ?
We will be providing a glossary of terms shortly.
Additionally, the lookup screens will have some hyperlink access to more in depth
information directly from the data.
When I sign on to Kerndata.com I am immediately
logged off! What's wrong ... ?
Kerndata.com requires that you accept "cookies".
Please check your browsers configuration to ensure that you will accept cookies.
For more information about cookies click here.
Are parcel maps available ... ?
Yes. Click the "Parcel Map" link located at the top of the data area. You must have
Acrobat® ReaderTM or an equivalent product installed in order to view the maps.
When I click "next" or
"prior" to navigate, nothing happens ... ?
This issue has only been reported on early versions of Internet Explorer. This
occurs as a result of some browsers using a cached copy instead of re-requesting information
from the site. You may wish to change the options on your browsers cache
to force re-reading site information every time. Note: This fix does not work on
Internet Explorer for the Macintosh.
When I click "Map" I receive a message indicating that "No Map was found" ... ?
A number of things may occur during the year to a parcel. Examples are Book Splits, Parcel Cuts, Parcel Combines, Parcel Inactivations, etc.
In some instances, we do not receive updates of the maps on the same time frame as we update our databases. In these situations,
you may receive a message indicating that no map was found. In most cases you may click on the "History" link and determine what occured to the
property in question, in any case, you may be able to use the parcels in the "History" listing to locate a map related to your parcel.
I'm having problems printing. The first page prints but the rest is blank ... ?
There is a bug when printing from Netscape Navigator - it appears to be specific to Netscape. This print problem does not occur when using
Internet Explorer. A temporary fix would be to use Internet Explorer when you wish to print information from Kerndata.com.
We have implemented a new "printable" option for those who wish to have a more professional looking report. Note: This option is only available to paying customers.
What happened to the "trial" access?
Kerndata.com provided trial access to Kerndata.com from 1996 until June 2005.
The current site design allows access to our service with information that would be
available to paying users shown as blank characters in a gray font. We feel that this provides enough information to perspective users in order to determine if Kerndata.com is a valuable service.
Current payment options allow users to register for access for as little as $9.95.